An art exhibition that puts the love of the body in focus.
In my creation, I often explore the body, mainly the female body and how it can be portrayed naturally, free, strong, vulnerable and confident without being objectified. Puts the love of the body in focus and lifts the relationship between the self and the body.
This art exhibition is very much based on my own journey to accept and feel love for the body as it is.
Not let the social norms of how a body should be direct the love and acceptance of the body. With eating disorders in my teens and recovery from it, it has become a long and bumpy road, which will follow me like a ghost through life.
The love for my own body began to grow after many difficult years with recovery from eating disorders but also pain in the form of various diseases and diagnoses where it has sometimes felt like the body should give up and just go under.
I found in all the pain and hate still a form of love and admiration, how much can this body take?
And with that, I want to pay tribute to the body, the one that gives me life, joy and allows me to experience so much. Which has given me and my partner two amazing boys. Which allows me to practice my art and just enjoy the small moments of life.
Many of us experience different pains, both physical and mental, in relation to our bodies and it is easy that this leads to self-hatred. I think the journey from this to finding love for the body and feeling comfortable in one's own hut is a very exciting, and important journey. That we dare to be comfortable and safe with ourselves.
I want to portray the body naked and natural, let the woman be strong and free without playing on the sexual. Women are often portrayed sexually when they are depicted naked. I want to break this by focusing on freedom and that the woman decides for herself.
From an early age, we are fed via newspapers, social media, etc. how we should look, how our bodies should look like, how we should eat, exercise, dress to fit into a beauty ideal. Something that continues into adult life to achieve some form of twisted nirvana, where everything is perfect.
The perfect mother, career woman, partner, with a perfectly styled home and exterior. But what is perfect? And what happens to the love of one's own body? When should we be allowed to live, breathe and just be?
Through the art, I want to create a moment for reflection and freedom to love the very body we are assigned in life. Do not let the opinions of others and twisted ideals break down freedom.
This exhibition is the start for a upcoming art projects within the theme of love for the body and the relationship between the self and the body.